ZTEC Tune Privacy Policy

Updated: February 18, 2022
Effective Date: March 10, 2022


  This privacy policy applies to the products and services provided by Shenzhen ZTEC Tune Cross-Border Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "ZTEC Tune") and their extended functionalities (hereinafter referred to as "ZTEC"), including ZTEC APP, mini-programs, and any new forms of products and services provided to you through technological developments. If a specific product has a separate privacy policy or user service agreement with special provisions, then that product's privacy policy will take precedence. For content not covered by the privacy policy and user agreement of that product, this policy shall apply. If affiliated companies use products or services provided by ZTEC Tune without setting an independent privacy policy, this privacy policy shall also apply to those products or services.
  Please read the "ZTEC Tune Privacy Policy" carefully, especially the bolded content, and make sure you understand our rules for handling your personal information. If you have any questions during the reading process, you can contact us through the contact information provided in the "ZTEC Tune Privacy Policy."

Main Content:

  Welcome to using ZTEC Tune products and services! We attach great importance to user privacy and personal information protection. When you use our products or services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to explain to you through the "ZTEC Tune Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this privacy policy") how we collect, use, store, share, and transfer this information when you use our products or services, as well as how we provide access, updates, deletion, and protection of this information for you. This privacy policy is closely related to the ZTEC Tune services you use and the various business functions included in those services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "our products" or "services"). We hope you will read this privacy policy carefully and confirm that you have fully understood the contents stated in this privacy policy before using our products or services. We have tried to express the relevant terms in this privacy policy concisely for your better understanding.
  ZTEC Tune supports sharing your data with third parties to provide more professional services. Before enabling these services, please carefully read the privacy policy of the third-party software. In addition, we will obtain your authorization again before sharing data.
  After you exit the "ZTEC Tune" application, the application will continue to access your mobile sensors to obtain step data, connect to the network to complete data synchronization, receive messages, provide device software updates, and upload logs.
  Your ZTEC Tune information includes sensitive personal information, and we will only upload it to ZTEC Tune servers with your explicit consent, and this data will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

1. Service Content

1.1 This application is a Bluetooth headphone product service app that can achieve hardware connections and provide company product information and related services. All illegal and explicit content is strictly prohibited within the app. Users who violate community operating guidelines will have their accounts permanently banned.
1.2 The specific content of the services provided by this application is determined by the application's creators based on actual circumstances.
1.3 Unless otherwise expressly stated in this registration and service agreement, new products, features, and services introduced by this application are subject to the provisions of this registration and service agreement.
1.4 This application only provides relevant online services. All equipment related to these online services (such as personal computers, mobile phones, and other devices for internet or mobile network access) and the required fees (such as telephone and internet fees for internet access or mobile network usage) shall be borne by the user.
1.5 When you use our services, we will access your device's gyroscope, accelerometer, and gravity sensor to identify and determine your device's status.
1.6 When you use our services, we will collect your personal information using the Umeng SDK. Specific information is as follows:

    Platform Name: Umeng
    SDK Name: Umeng SDK
    Service Type: Data Analytics
    Types of Personal Information Collected: Device Information (Clipboard Information/Device Serial Number/Android ID/IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM Card IMSI/Geographic Location, etc.)
    Privacy Policy Link: [Umeng Privacy Policy](https://www.umeng.com/page/policy)

1.7 When you use our services, we will collect your personal information using the Amap SDK. Specific information is as follows:

    Platform Name: Amap
    SDK Name: Amap SDK
    Service Type: Mapping Services
    Types of Personal Information Collected: Device Information (Clipboard Information/Device Serial Number/Android ID/IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM Card IMSI/Geographic Location, etc.)
    Privacy Policy Link: [Amap Privacy Policy](https://cache.amap.com/h5/h5/publish/238/index.html)

1.8 When you use our services, we will collect your personal information using the Xunfei SDK. Specific information is as follows:

    Platform Name: Xunfei
    SDK Name: Xunfei SDK
    Service Type: Voice Services
    Types of Personal Information Collected: Device Information (Clipboard Information/Device Serial Number/Android ID/IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM Card IMSI/Geographic Location, etc.)
    Privacy Policy Link: [Xunfei Privacy Policy](https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html#%E4%B8%80%E3%80%81%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E4%B8%8E%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8A)

2. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

  Personal information refers to various information recorded electronically or by other means related to identified or identifiable natural persons, excluding information that has been anonymized. Sensitive personal information refers to personal information that, once leaked or used illegally, may easily lead to the infringement of a natural person's dignity or harm to their personal safety, property, including but not limited to biometric data, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical and health information, financial accounts, and travel trajectories, as well as personal information of individuals under the age of fourteen.
  We will follow the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity to collect and use your personal information actively provided by you during the use of products or services or generated as a result of using products or services, as well as obtain relevant personal information from third parties for the purposes described in this policy. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not covered by this policy or use information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and obtain your consent before using it.
  When you use our products/services, the personal information we may need/may need to collect and use includes the following two types:
(1) To achieve the basic functions of providing you with our products and/or services, you are required to authorize us to collect and use necessary information. If you refuse to provide relevant information, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally;
(2) To achieve additional functions of providing you with our products and/or services, you can choose to agree or disagree separately with us to collect and use information. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use the relevant additional functions or may not achieve the intended functional effects we intend to provide, but it will not affect your use of our basic functions.
Here, we would like to remind you that we are committed to providing a variety of products and services to meet your needs. Due to the wide variety of products and services we provide to you and the differences in the specific range of products/services chosen by different users, the types of personal information collected/used for basic/additional functions and corresponding purposes may vary. Please refer to the specific product/service functions for the actual information.

3. Specific Function Scenarios We Provide for You Include:

(I) Logging into the APP
When creating and logging into an APP account, you need to provide your phone number for SMS verification login or create a username and password. If you do not log in to your account or create an account, it will affect your use of the APP for headphone connection.
(II) Connecting ZTEC Tune Products with the APP
1. Bluetooth Permission
Bluetooth permission is a basic permission used by the APP. Only with this permission can the APP search and connect to ZTEC Tune Bluetooth products. We promise that Bluetooth permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
2. Location Permission
Location permission is also a basic permission used by the APP. The mobile phone system requires that the APP must have location permission when searching for nearby Bluetooth products. Only with this permission can the APP discover nearby ZTEC Tune Bluetooth products. We promise that location permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
3. Background Location Permission
Background location permission is not a necessary permission but is used for Android phones to add APP desktop widgets and search for nearby ZTEC Tune Bluetooth products. We promise that background location permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
4. Synchronize Server Data
(1) Network Access Permission
Network access permission is a basic permission used by the APP. Network permission is used for account login, loading the discovery page, and downloading ZTEC Tune product information (product images, models, and manuals). We promise that network access permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
(2) Data Read/Write Permission
Data read/write permission is a basic permission used by the APP. Data read/write permission is used for creating local database records, caching server data, caching network images, and reading local albums (customizing the background of the music playback interface, which reads the content of the local album). We promise that data read/write permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
5. Sensor Permission
Users can actively open web pages to support sensor data acquisition and web page sensor functions, and this permission is collected by Tencent SDK.
6. Camera Permission
Camera permission is not a necessary permission but is used for Android phones to add ZTEC Tune Bluetooth products. We promise that camera permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
7. Read Contacts
Reading contacts is also not a necessary permission but is used for Android phones to share ZTEC Tune Bluetooth products. We promise that reading contacts permission is only used for functions related to this APP and not for other purposes.
8. Device Information
To identify your device, prevent malicious programs and cheating, improve service security, ensure operational quality and efficiency, we collect your device information (including IMEI, device serial number, OAID, MEID, Android ID, IMSI, GUID, MAC address, SIM card serial number), installed APP information, or running process information.
9. Storage Permission
To implement garbage cleaning and performance acceleration functions, we will request your storage permission to access external storage information (SD card data) to check the status of the phone's CPU, memory, and SD card.
10. Clipboard Permission
When you share or receive shared information, we need to access your clipboard locally and read the passwords, share codes, links contained therein to achieve functions or services such as redirection, sharing, and event linkage.

4. How We Provide Information to Third Parties

(I) Sharing
We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations, and individuals outside of ZTEC service providers, except in the following cases:
1. Sharing necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations: We may share your personal information as required by laws, regulations, litigation, dispute resolution, administrative, or judicial authorities' lawful requests, as well as other necessary obligations under the law;
2. Sharing with your consent: With your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties;
3. Sharing necessary for the conclusion and performance of contracts with you as one of the parties: When you purchase goods or services through the official ZTEC Tune platform, we will share necessary information related to your transaction from your order information with the providers of the relevant goods or services, as per your selection, to fulfill your transaction, delivery, and after-sales service needs;
4. Sharing with affiliated companies: To facilitate our joint provision of services to you with affiliated companies, provide products and services to you based on your ZTEC Tune platform account, identify abnormal member account activity, protect the personal and property safety of ZTEC Tune official mall's affiliated companies or other users or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and/or their designated service providers. We will only share necessary personal information and will be bound by the purposes stated in this policy. If we share your sensitive personal information or the affiliated companies change the use and processing purposes of personal information, we will seek your authorization and consent again. Please note that information that you voluntarily share or publicly disclose when using our services may involve your or others' personal information, including sensitive personal information. Please consider and decide more cautiously.
(II) Storage Security
1. Data Protection Technology Measures
We have adopted security protection measures that comply with industry standards and are reasonable and feasible to protect your information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. For example, we use encryption technology to enhance the security of personal information, and data exchange between your browser and server is protected by SSL protocol. We provide secure browsing using HTTPS protocol. We use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent personal information from malicious attacks. We deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information. Currently, our important information systems have been evaluated at level three or higher for network security.
2. Data Protection Management and Organizational Measures
We have established an advanced data security management system centered around data and covering the entire data lifecycle from organization building, system design, personnel management, to product technology. We have set up a dedicated department for personal information protection and designated personnel responsible for child personal information protection. Through training courses and exams, we continuously enhance employees' awareness of the importance of personal information protection.
3. Response to Personal Information Security Incidents
If our physical, technical, or managerial protection facilities are compromised, leading to unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or damage to information, and causing damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will promptly initiate emergency response plans and take reasonable and necessary measures to minimize the impact on your personal information. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will also inform you of the basic situation of the security incident and its possible impact, the measures we have taken or will take, and your self-defense and risk reduction suggestions, in accordance with legal requirements. We will notify you through SMS, phone calls, push notifications, and other reasonable channels. If it is difficult to notify each individual, we will announce it in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will report the handling of personal information security incidents to regulatory authorities as required.
4. Prevention of Account Security Risks
When using the ZTEC Tune official mall services for online transactions, you inevitably need to disclose your personal information, such as contact information or contact address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. In addition, you can also establish communication, exchange information, or analyze content with third parties through our services. Please protect your personal information properly, provide it to others only when necessary, and avoid disclosing it to others lightly to prevent information theft or misuse.

5. Policy Updates

In order to provide you with a better product and service experience, we continuously strive to improve our products, services, and technology. We may update our privacy policy to inform you of specific changes when new services and business processes change. However, without your explicit consent, we will not limit your rights as outlined in this policy.
For significant changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (including notifications through the ZTEC Tune official mall or pop-up prompts).
Significant changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:
1. Significant changes in the business model of products. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, types of personal information processed, and the way personal information is used;
2. Changes in the subject of the privacy policy due to business adjustments, mergers, and acquisitions, where the new subject recipient changes the original processing purposes and methods;
3. Significant changes in the main objects of personal information sharing or public disclosure;
4. Significant changes in users' rights over their personal information and how they are exercised;
5. Changes in the contact information and complaint channels of the person responsible for personal information protection;
6. Personal information protection impact assessment reports indicate that the product has a significant impact on individual rights.

6. Account Cancellation

6.1 If you need to cancel your account, you must meet the following conditions:
(a) No abnormal logins to the account in the last month;
(b) No complaints or reports associated with the account;
(c) No unused entitlements in the account. If you have unused entitlements, the cancellation application will be considered as you voluntarily giving up the corresponding entitlements;
(d) You fully waive the right to retain or retrieve such data;
(e) Account cancellation is not involved in any complaints, disputes, litigation, investigations by competent authorities, and there are no real risk factors related to litigation or adjustment;
(f) There are no other circumstances where account cancellation is required by law or regulation and has not been fulfilled.
The account cancellation process is as follows: Log in to the ZTEC Tune APP - My - Settings - Account and Security - Account Cancellation; before you cancel your account, we will verify your account information. You understand and acknowledge that account cancellation is irreversible;
6.2 Consequences of Account Cancellation
You understand and agree that after completing the account cancellation process, it will result in, but not limited to, the following consequences:
(a) You will not be able to perform any privileged operations with that account;
(b) You will not be able to log in to the ZTEC Tune APP with that account again;
(c) After cancellation, we will clear your data, and you will not be able to retrieve all the information, data, and more that you have stored and used under that account;
(d) Other consequences that may harm your rights or cause losses to you;

7. How to Contact Us

In order to better protect your personal information, we have a dedicated department for network security and personal information protection. If you have any questions or suggestions about this policy or your personal information while using Xun Cheng Intelligent products, please contact us through the following contact information:
Contact Email: 717392586@qq.com
Contact Address: Building 205, 5th Floor, 5B13, Shangbu Industrial Zone, 144 Zhenxing Road, Huahang Community, Huaqiang North Street, Futian District, Shenzhen City